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Dau Tu Xay Dung Va Phat Trien Nha Trong Tin LTD
Address: No 28, Alley 191/63, Khuong Thuong Street, Khuong Thuong Ward, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City
Main profession: Building completion and finishing (Building completion and finishing)
Enterprise code: | 0103481721 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 02462855740 |
English name: | Trong Tin Co Co., LTD |
Pay into: | Chi cuc Thue Quan Dong da |
Representative: | Nguyen Duy Dung |
Representative address: | No 56, Civil Group 38, Dich Vong Ward, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi City |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
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Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Dau tu Xay dung va Phat trien Nha Trong Tin Address: Civil Group 1, Bang A Residential Area, Hoang Liet Ward, Hoang Mai District, Ha Noi City |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | Tu 10 - 24 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty TNHH DAU TU XAY DUNG VA PHAT TRIEN NHA TRONG TIN duoc thanh lap vao nam 2009. Cac linh vuc hoat dong chu yeu cua cong ty: Thi cong xay dung, giam sat thi cong xay dung; thuong mai dien tu. Voi doi ngu nhan vien tre, nang dong, sang tao day nhiet huyet la nen tang vung chac de phat trien. Hien nɑy chung toi dɑng trien khɑi cac du an xay dung tren pham vi nhieu tinh thanh thuoc 3 mien trong ca nuoc. |
Job: | Job detail: Dien- Dien tu Find more job of Dau Tu Xay Dung Va Phat Trien Nha Trong Tin LTD |
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