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Minh Phat Long LTD

Founding date: 13 - 11 - 2014

Address: 718 Vo Van Kiet, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City

Main profession: Wholesale of other household products (Wholesale of other household products)

Enterprise code: 0313011994
Điện thoại/ Fax:0906375988
English name: Minh Phat Long Co.,Ltd
Pay into: Chi cuc Thue Quan 5
Representative: Doan Thi Mai Que
Representative address: 01 Khu Nha 33/3 Tran Binh Trong, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Gia tri gia tang
  • Thu nhap doanh nghiep
  • Thu nhap ca nhan
  • Mon bai
Taxes solution: Khau tru
Companies with the same name: Note: The information below is from the company (same name):
Cong Ty TNHH Minh Phat Long
Address: 33/3 Tran Binh Trongp1 Q5
Company size: It hon 10 nhan vien
Company description: CONG TY TNHH MINH PHAT LONG la cong ty chuyen kinh doanh cac san pham dien tu, dien gia dung. Hien nay, do yeu cau cua viec mo rong quy mo hoat dong va phat trien cong ty, chung toi dɑng co nhu cau tuyen dung them cac nhan su co nang luc, nhiet tinh trong cong viec, tinh than trach nhiem cɑo va co tri tien thu
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Nhan vien kinh doanh
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