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Ky Thuat Cong Nghe Uimi Viet Nam LTD
Address: No 619, 621, 3 Thang 2 Street, Ward 08, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
Main profession: Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and supplies (Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and supplies)
Enterprise code: | 0313303651 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 0909247496 |
English name: | Uimi Viet Nam Co., LTD |
Pay into: | Chi cuc Thue Quan 10 |
Representative: | Luu Dieu Toan |
Representative address: | 46 Nguyen Thoi Trung, Ward 06, District 5, Ho Chi Minh City |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
Companies with the same name: |
Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Ky thuat Cong nghe UIMI Viet Nam Address: 70 LU Gia P15 Q11 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | Tu 25 - 99 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty TNHH Ky thuat Cong nghe UIMI Viet Nam da co tru so lon tai Trung Quoc hien dang phat trien mo chi nhanh van phong, showroom tai thanh pho Ho Ϲhi Minh, Viet Ɲɑm. Ϲong ty dɑng can nhieu nhan tai co tim nang nhu cac ban de hop tac giup cong ty ngay cang phat trien. |
Job: | Job detail: Ban hang Find more job of Ky Thuat Cong Nghe Uimi Viet Nam LTD |
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