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Rorze Robotech LTD

Founding date: 5 - 8 - 2008

Address: Lot Dat F2, F3, F4, Nomura Hai Phong Industrial Zone, An Duong District, Hai Phong City

Main profession: Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy (Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy)

Enterprise code: 0200827319
Điện thoại/ Fax:02253743035
Pay into: Cuc Thue TP Hai Phong
  • Thu nhap doanh nghiep
Taxes solution: Khau tru
Companies with the same name: Note: The information below is from the company (same name):
Address: Lot F2, F3&F4, Nomura - Hai Phong Industrial Zone, An Duong District, Hai Phong City
Company size: Tu 100 - 499 nhan vien
Company description: Cong ty TNHH RORZE ROBOTECH la cong ty cong nghe cao dau tien tai Viet Nam. Cong ty 100% von dau tu nuoc ngoai la thanh vien cua tap doan RORZE Nhat Ban, duoc thanh lap tu thang 10 nam 1996 chuyen san xuat, lap rap cac loai thiet bi dieu khien dong co va ro bot cho nganh cong nghiep ban dan.
- Von dau tu: 46, 000, 000 USƊ
- Ƭhoi giɑn hoat dong: 50 nam
- So nhan vien: 500
Job: Job detail:
Bien- Phien dich, Dien- Dien tu, Nhan su
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