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Go Thang Long Joint Stock Company

Founding date: 8 - 1 - 2016

Address: BT1B-A305, Me Tri Thuong Urban Area, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Ha Noi City

Main profession: Wholesle of construction materials, installation (Wholesle of construction materials, installation)

Enterprise code: 0107286136
Điện thoại/ Fax:Đang cập nhật
English name: Thang Long Timber.,Jsc
Pay into: Chi cuc Thue Quan Nam Tu Liem
Representative: Vu Thien Bach
Representative address: No 6, Lane 99/3, Nguyen Chi Thanh Street, Lang Ha Ward, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City
  • Gia tri gia tang
  • Thu nhap doanh nghiep
  • Mon bai
  • Xuat nhap khau
Taxes solution: Truc tiep doanh thu
Company description: Cong ty co phan Go Thang Long la doanh nghiep moi duoc thanh lap thang 01/2016 co tru so tai BT1B-A305 Khu do thi Me Tri Thuong, Phuong Me Tri, Quan Nam Tu Liem, Ha Noi. Cong ty chung toi chuyen kinh doanh, xuat nhap khau cac mat hang ve go. De phat trien mo rong thi truong kinh doɑnh nen cong ty muon tuyen dung mot so vi tri tai bo phan kinh doɑnh nham hoan thien bo may nhan su.
So dien thoai: 0984664685
Emɑil: minhthuy1712@gmɑil. com
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