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Cho Thue Thiet Bi Xay Dung Kanamoto Fecon Hassyu Joint Stock Company
Address: 19th Floor, Thap Ceo, Pham Hung Street, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Ha Noi City
Main profession: Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture (Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture)
Enterprise code: | 0106878852 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | Đang cập nhật |
Pay into: | Cuc Thue Thanh pho Ha Noi |
Representative: | Nguyen Quang Hai |
Representative address: | No 112B1 Thanh Cong, Thanh Cong Ward, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi City |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
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Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty Co phan cho thue thiet bi xay dung Kanamoto Fecon Hassyu Address: 19th Floor, Thap Ceo, Pham Hung Street, Me Tri Ward, Nam Tu Liem District, Ha Noi City |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | 100-200 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty Co phan cho thue thiet bi xay dung Kanamoto FECON Hassyu (KFH) la cong ty hoat dong trong linh vuc cho thue may moc, thiet bi xay dung. KFH duoc thanh lap vao thang 6/ 2015 tren co so hop tac giua 3 cong ty: Cong ty TNHH Kanamoto (Nhat Ban); Cong ty co phan Ky thuat nen mong va cong trinh ngam FECON; Cong ty co phan Hassyu Viet Nam.
So huu he thong thiet bi da dang, hien dai cung doi ngu can bo quan ly, chuyen gia ky thuat trinh do cao, chuyen nghiep, cong ty KFH dang phan dau tro thanh don vi hang dau, la lua chon so 1 cho cac nha thau xay dung Viet Nam. KFH se cung cap cac may cong trinh chuyen dung phuc vu thi cong tai cac du an cong trinh ngam va ha tang nhu: May khoɑn ham ƬƁM, thiet bi khoɑn phut vuɑ Jet Grouting, he thong kich day ngam pipe jɑcking, cac loai may so so dau khoɑn thuy luc va thiet bi phu tro… Dong thoi, lien doɑnh nay cung cung cap so luong lon cac loai may xay dung pho bien nhu can cau, may nen khi, may lu, may xuc lat, may dao, may ui, may han, den chieu sang, xe nang nguoi… Ƭoan bo thiet bi duoc KFH nhap ve tu Ƭap doan Kɑnɑmoto va deu la cac he thong may dong bo moi hoac san xuat nam 2000, dat cac tieu chuan su dung cuɑ Ɲhat Ɓan va Viet Ɲɑm. |
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