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Huong Viet LTD
Address: Gac 1 Sieu Thi Vimart, Trung Hoa Commune, Trang Bom District, Dong Nai Province
Main profession: Retail of other commodities in specialized stores (Retail of other commodities in specialized stores)
Status: | The company ceased operations |
Closed date: | 01-01-2010 |
Enterprise code: | 3600714202 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 0251768712 |
Pay into: | Chi cuc thue Huyen Trang Bom |
Representative: | Hoang Quoc Cuong |
Representative address: | 112 Hoang Dieu, Ward 12, District 4, Ho Chi Minh City |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
Companies with the same name: |
Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Huong Viet Address: 3 Le Thuc Hoach, Phu Tho Hoa Ward |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | 50-100 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty da hoat dong tu nam 1998 chuyen ve nganh may moc, nguyen phu lieu lam banh.
Co kinh nghiem nhieu nam ve cac mat hang may moc lam banh nhu: May danh kem, May danh trung, May nhoi bot, May chia va se bot, May cuon bot, Lo u bot, Lo nuong banh, Chao xao nhan, Ban lam banh co tu tru lanh, Kho dong, Kho mat, Ban inox, Xe nuong banh, Tu trung bay banh cac loai, Tu lanh trung bay sieu thi, Tu dong, Tu mat chua thuc pham, do uong dung tich lon, Tu lanh du lich, May xɑy thit, Ɓan xoɑy, dung cu lam banh… Ϲac mat hang may moc lam banh deu duoc nhap khau tu Dai Loɑn, chat luong cɑo voi cac thuong hieu co ten tuoi nhu: RUEY SHIƝG, HUƁARƬ, ϹHAƝMAG, HAW SHEƝG, KIMSAƝ, MAH YIH, SHEƝG LI. Hang Ƭrung Quoc chat luong cɑo: WU SHEƝG, ƬALI, SOVEƝ, SAƝ HUA… Voi kinh nghiem trong nganh banh, chung toi co the tu van mien phi ve viec mo tiem banh cho Quy Khach cung nhu viec ho tro ky thuat trong viec lam banh. Website: |
Job: | Job detail: Nguoi giup viec Find more job of Huong Viet LTD |
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