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Tin Dat LTD
Address: 321 Dien Bien Phu, Hoa Khe Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang City
Enterprise code: | 0400419814 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 02156723221 |
English name: | Cong Ty Tin Dat |
Pay into: | Chi cuc Thue Quan Thanh Khe |
Representative: | Doan Minh Cong |
Representative address: | 58 Bui Thi Xuan, An Hai Tay Ward, Son Tra District, Da Nang City |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
Companies with the same name: |
Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Tin Dat Address: 5 KP3 Civil Group, Trang Dai Ward, Bien Hoa District, Dong Nai Province |
Email: | |
Company size: | It hon 10 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty TNHH Tin Dat duoc thanh lap nam 2010. giay chung nhan dang ky kinh doanh va dang ky thue so 3602378066. nganh nghe: Muɑ ban suɑ chuɑ may vi tinh, van phong pham. |
Job: | Job detail: Ke toan- Kiem toan Find more job of Tin Dat LTD |
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