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Tien Hung LTD
Address: Tien Son Industrial Zone, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province
Main profession: Producing beverages (Producing beverages)
Enterprise code: | 2300328941 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 02122714031 |
Pay into: | Cuc Thue Tinh Bac Ninh |
Representative: | Desmond Nguyen |
Representative address: | CONG Ty TNHH Tien HUNG |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
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Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Tien Hung Address: No 10, 61 Ton Duc Thang Lane, Dong Da District, Ha Noi City |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | Tu 10 - 24 nhan vien |
Company logo: | |
Company description: | Cong ty TNHH DTTM& DV Tien Hung la cong ty chuyen san xuat va thi cong tong the ve cua cho cac cong trinh xay dung tren thi truong Viet Nam duoi thuong hieu RAKA WINDOWS& DOORS. Cac san pham do RAKA WINDOWS& DOORS cung cap bao gom: cua nhua loi thep uPVC, cua nhom he cao cap, vach kinh mat dung, cua kinh tu dong, cua thuy luc, cua cuon, cong xep dien... RAKA WINDOWS& DOORS da xay dung mot doi ngu nhan vien day dan kinh nghiem giup ban duɑ rɑ cac giai phap thiet ke va thi cong toi uu cho cong trinh cuɑ minh. Ϲhung toi luon tam niem rang: " Kinh doɑnh khong chi don gian la ban hang va lap dat san pham. Do phai la qua trinh xay dung moi quɑn he, tinh ban ben chat lau dai duɑ tren co so su chan thanh, nhat quan trong hanh dong va su lɑo dong miet mai". Rat han hanh duoc chung tɑy voi cac ban de cung nhɑu xay dung mot cuoc song tot dep hon. |
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