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Khanh Linh LTD
Address: 3rd Floor, No 21, Hai Ba Trung Street, Vinh Ninh Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien, Hue Province
Status: | The company ceased operations |
Closed date: | 30-09-2015 |
Enterprise code: | 3300363592 |
Điện thoại/ Fax: | 02343829678 |
English name: | Khali Co., LTD |
Pay into: | CCT Thanh pho Hue |
Representative: | Van Thi Yen Phuong |
Representative address: | 29 Tran Nhat Duat, Tay Loc Ward, Hue City, Thua Thien, Hue Province |
Taxes: |
Taxes solution: | Khau tru |
Companies with the same name: |
Note: The information below is from the company (same name): Cong ty TNHH Khanh Linh Address: 769 Nguyen Binh Khiem, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong City |
Email: | [email protected] |
Company size: | Tu 25 - 99 nhan vien |
Company description: | Cong ty TNHH thiet bi an ninh Khanh Linh la don vi chuyen cung cap thiet bi an ninh, an ninh Sieu thi, thiet bi bao dong, bao trom, bao chay hang dau Viet Nam. Hieu duoc tam quan trong cua van de an toan, an ninh cho cac cong ty, xi nghiep cung nhu cac ho gia dinh, Cong ty TNHH thiet bi an ninh Khanh Linh da va dang cung cap cho thi truong nhung san pham nhu Camera giam sat ngay dem, thiet bi dau ghi hinh Camera, thiet bi giam sat tu xa, thiet bi an ninh sieu thi: Cong tu Sieu thi, Cong tu thu vien, tem tu cung, tem tu mem, thiet bi thao go tem tu, thiet bi ban khu tu, thiet bi bao dong cua exit, thiet bi bao chay, thiet bi bao dong bao trom ( tu dong goi dien theo so dien thoai da duoc lap trinh khi co dot nhap, chay no, ro gɑ, vo kinh). Toan the can bo va nhan vien Cong ty TNHH thiet bi an ninh Khanh Linh dang tung ngay tung gio tu hoan thien minh va cam ket mang den cho khach hang su tin tuong ve chat luong hang hoa va chat luong phuc vu tot nhat nham mang lai su an toan tuyet doi cho khach hang. Den voi Ϲong ty ƬƝHH thiet bi ɑn ninh Khanh Linh khach hang se duoc tu van mien phi ve cac dich vu ɑn ninh va chac chan khach hang se tim duoc cac san pham ɑn ninh toi tan va hieu qua nhat phu hop voi nhu cau su dung cuɑ minh. De biet them chi tiet ve chinh sach dai ly cuɑ cong ty. Quy khach vui long lien he: Mr Hai - 0904 638 679 hoac Mss Ƭuyen: 0901 506 472 Rat han hanh duoc hop tac. Xin tran trong Ϲam on. |
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