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Quang Cao Time Joint Stock Company

Founding date: 7 - 12 - 2012

Address: No 261, 13 Cum Tram Civil Group, Long Bien Ward, Long Bien District, Ha Noi City

Main profession: Market research and public opinion polling (Market research and public opinion polling)

Enterprise code: 0106056813
Điện thoại/ Fax:02436700451
English name: Time Ads.,Jsc
Pay into: Chi cuc thue Quan Long Bien
Representative: Do Van Nghia
Representative address: No 265, 13 Cum Tram Civil Group, Long Bien Ward, Long Bien District, Ha Noi City
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Taxes solution: Khau tru
Company size: Tu 25 - 99 nhan vien
Company description: Cong ty chuyen thi cong cac don dat hang ve quang cao, su kien, chuong trinh cua cac nhan hang noi tieng nhu: Omo, Ϲleɑr, Lipton, Knorr, Sɑmsung,..... tai cac sieu thi tren toan he thong mien Ɓac.
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In an- Xuat ban, Thiet ke- My thuat
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