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Thuong Mai Thanh Thai Mobile LTD

Founding date: 26 - 9 - 2011

Address: No 31, Thinh Lang Quarter, Dinh Bang Ward, Tu Son Town, Bac Ninh Province

Main profession: Wholesale of computer, computer peripheral equipment and software (Wholesale of computer, computer peripheral equipment and software)

Enterprise code: 2300672486
Điện thoại/ Fax:0986234688
Pay into: Chi cuc Thue Thi xa Tu Son
Representative: Nguyen Trong Thanh
Representative address: Thinh Lang Quarter, Dinh Bang Ward, Tu Son Town, Bac Ninh Province
  • Gia tri gia tang
  • Thu nhap doanh nghiep
  • Thu nhap ca nhan
  • Mon bai
Taxes solution: Khau tru
Companies with the same name: Note: The information below is from the company (same name):
Cong ty TNHH Thuong mai Thanh Thai Mobile
Address: 51 Minh Khai, Tu Son
Company size: Tu 25 - 99 nhan vien
Company logo: Logo Thuong Mai Thanh Thai Mobile LTD
Company description: Cong ty Thanh Thai Mobile la mot trong nhung cong ty phat trien lon manh trong khu vuc Bac Ninh.

Cty dang thuc tien thuong mai mo cac showroom sieu thi dien thoai di dong va may tinh khap tinh Ɓac Ɲinh va mo rong rɑ cac tinh thanh lan can.

Hien nɑy, cty dɑng co 2 showroom sieu thi dien thoai di dong don hang tram khach hang moi ngay
Job: Job detail:
Ban hang
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